“For me the quilts symbolize a deep respect for each woman and child who comes through our shelter. What a beautiful way to honor survival.” — Mary Zelinka, Shelter Coordinator for Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence (CARDV)
“I’m really glad that there are people out there that make quilts for kids. It is a wonderful thing if someone can’t be there for you at night, your quilt will.”
— Quilt recipient, Trillium Family Services
Tactile Quilt
“The quilts have made such an impact (on the staff) that they are not alone in caring. There is someone else out there who cares with them and in a sense, then, carries part of the load.” — Mary Reid, Marion Education Services District (receives quilts for visually impaired children)
“Thank you so very much. I have no words to properly express my gratitude and appreciation. For comforting my little guy during such a terrifying time, I owe you everything.” — Mother of autistic child who was badly burned